
Department of Antiquities

  Ancient Cyprus Introduction link

Ancient Cyprus in the Ashmolean Museum

Ashmolean Presentation

Ancient Cyprus: Further Information


Internet Resources


Other Museums with Collections from Ancient Cyprus

Numerous other museums around the world contain material from ancient Cyprus. The following have information about their collections available on their internet sites, often with associated educational resources.


Further Reading - General

  • Brown, A.C. and H.W. Catling. 1986. Ancient Cyprus, 2nd ed. (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford)
  • Cook, B.F. (ed). 1979. Cypriote Art in the British Museum (British Museum Publications, London)
  • Karageorghis, V. 1982. Cyprus from the Stone Age to the Romans (Thames and Hudson, London)
  • Knapp, A.B. 1994. "The Prehistory of Cyprus: problems and prospects". Journal of World Prehistory 8.4:377-453.
  • Morris, D. 1985. The Art of Ancient Cyprus (Phaidon, Oxford)
  • Tatton-Brown, V. 1997. Ancient Cyprus, 2nd ed. (The British Museum Press, London)
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