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Ancient Cyprus
in the Ashmolean Museum
  Highlights of the Collection: Aphrodite, Female Figurines and Cyprus
  Aphrodite, Female Figurines and Cyprus: Further Reading
  • Brown, A.C. and Catling, H.W. 1986. Ancient Cyprus (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford).
  • Hesiod. 1988. Theogony; and, works and days, translated with an introduction and index by M.L.West (Oxford University Press, Oxford).
  • Homer. 1987. The Iliad, translated with an introduction by M. Hammond (Penguin Books, London).
  • Homer. 1997, The Odyssey, translated by R. Fagles and introduction and notes by B. Knox (Penguin Books, London).
  • Lubsen-Admiraal, S.M. and Crouwel, J. ed. 1989. Cyprus and Aphrodite (SDU uitgeverij, 's-Gravenhage).
  • Meyers, E.M. ed. 1997. The Oxford Encyclopedia Of Archaeology In The Near East: Volume I, (Oxford University Press, Oxford).
  • The Second Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite.

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