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Ancient Cyprus
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  Female Figurine (AN1896-1908 C.267) Back to previous page

Female Figurine (AN1896-1908C.267)An example of a very common type of small female figurine of the Cypro-Archaic period, each of which nevertheless has its own individuality. These are often found at sanctuaries and may represent votive figures, though they also occur in tombs. They are quite unlike the female figurines of the Late Bronze Age [e.g. AN1953.244, centre] in that they are fully clothed rather than naked and their figures are much less curvaceous.

Like contemporary bichrome pots [e.g. AN1967.1088 and AN1885.366 below], this likeable little figure is painted in two colours. Her body is made up of a solid column of clay (very quick and easy to model), with details such as nose, arms, hair and headdress applied separately. Her back is totally unpainted, her sleeves and dress have red and black patterns, her hat, cheeks and nose are red, her hair and eyes and eyebrows black.

She wears a kind of diadem with round ear-muffs, her long hair flows down on to her shoulders, one hand rests on the front of her dress while the other is raised to her mouth. This latter gesture is probably actually a sign of supplication, but - along with the somewhat startled expression of her large almond-shaped eyes, pronounced eyebrows and the two spots of red on her cheeks (not to mention her red nose) - it has the effect of giving her the appearance of having suddenly realised that she has forgotten something important or said the wrong thing.

  Other Details:
Cypro-Archaic I, c. 700 BC. From the British Museum excavations at Amathus, 1893-4.
  Related Objects (click on image to go to object)
  Click for more information on AN1967.1088 Click for more information on AN1953.244 Click for more information on AN1885.625
  Jug, (AN1967.1088) Female Figurine, (AN1953.244) Vessel with bull's head, (AN1888.625)
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Last updated: 22-sep-2004
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