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Ancient Cyprus
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  Highlights of the Collection: Prehistoric Terracottas
  White Painted ware Page 6 of 9

One of the most characteristic wares of the Cypriot Middle Bronze Age is a ware with reddish or brown decoration painted on a pale surface. It continues many of the general types of shapes found in Red Polished ware, including vessels in the shape of animals [e.g. AN1933.1685 left]. Like the incised patterns found on Red Polished ware, the decoration is generally rectilinear, consisting of parallel lines, criss-crosses, zigzags and lozenges.

Various styles have been identified, which may be the products of different groups of workshops throughout the island. Certain of these styles, especially perhaps those produced in the south-east of the island, came to be quite widely exported to the neighbouring coastal regions of the Levant, particularly in the form of small juglets which may have contained some desirable substance.

Three-legged bird
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