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Ancient Cyprus
in the Ashmolean Museum
  Highlights of the Collection: Prehistoric Terracottas
  "Free Field" Bichrome pottery Page 7 of 9
  Barrel Jug (AN1885.366) Some of the most striking pots ever produced on Cyprus are those of the so-called "Free Field" ichrome style, dating to the 7th century BC. As the name suggests, these are decorated with a design which seems to float, unframed and unattached to any ground line, on the round body of a vessel, most usually a jug. Two colours are used: a rich, dark brown or black and a deep vibrant red whose matt, velvety texture contrasts beautifully with the soft creamy white of the unpainted surface. This gives the pots a highly tactile quality, which emphasises the undeniable textile-derived inspiration which lies behind them and which is particularly clear in some of the embroidery-like designs [e.g. AN1967.1088 right, AN1885.366 left]. Jug (AN1967.1088)
Barrel Jug
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