
Ancient Cyprus - Highlights: Kore Jugs 3

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Ancient Cyprus
in the Ashmolean Museum
  Highlights of the Collection: Intriguing Vessels
  Cypriot Kore Jugs (continued) (Page 4 of 5)

A related type of jug has a bull's head as a spout (Below left, AN1890.692).

The idea of having human or animal shapes in pottery (see below center, AN1971.858) has a long history in Cyprus, as does the concept of adding small additional pottery shapes to vessels (see below right, AN1896-1908.C.257). However, the kore jug is a distinct addition to the repertoire of pottery types after Archaic times. Maybe it can be considered as an example of indigenous development at a time when Cyprus became heavily influenced by Greek and Persian culture.

  AN1890.692 (from Marion) AN1971.858 AN1896-1908.C.257 (from Ayia Paraskevi)
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