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Ancient Cyprus
in the Ashmolean Museum
  Highlights of the Collection: Prehistoric Terracottas
  Cypriot pottery and clay figurines Page 2 of 9
  Jug (AN1967.1088)

Cyprus is a copper-producing island, and from the time when metal first began to be used in the Chalcolithic period, Cypriots developed great skill in the kinds of increasingly sophisticated pyrotechnologies which could be used to impressive effect in precision-control of the firing of certain sorts of pottery.

The effects of such sophistication first become clear in the Red Polished and Black Polished wares of the Cypriot Early Bronze Age, but are also apparent in a long series of bichrome wares (pots painted with two distinct colours), such as the bichrome pottery and figurines of the Cypro-Archaic period (see AN1967.1088, AN1885.366, AN.C.267, AN1974.349).


Barrel Jug
Jug (AN1967.1088) Barrel Jug
Female Figurine Chariot Group
Female Figurine
Chariot Group
  Location of the Troodos MountainsCyprus is also rich in clays suitable for potting, many of which occur round the edges of the Troodos mountains, where the copper deposits are also found. Recent research has shown the skill and care with which potters selected and prepared different clays for different purposes, which included consideration not only of desired visual effects but also of the functions for which particular types and shapes of pot were intended.
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