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Ancient Cyprus
in the Ashmolean Museum
  Highlights of the Collection: Prehistoric Terracottas
  Cypriot pottery and clay figurines: Gallery of Objects Page 8 of 9
  Click on Image to get more information
Click to get more information on AN.C.267 Click to get more information on AN1953.244 Click to get more information on AN1971.852 Click to get more information on AN1974.349
Female Figurine
Female Figurine
Mounted warrior
Chariot Group
Click to get more information on AN1888.623

Click to get more information on AN1888.625

Click to get more information on AN1933.1685 Click to get more information on AN1971.856
Vessel with bull's head
Three-legged bird
Two-headed animal "pushmi-pullyu" vessel
Click to get more information on AN1885.366 Click to get more information on AN1967.1088 Click to get more information on AN1971.850 Click to get more information on AN1974.355
Barrel jug
Jug with bird and
lotus blossom
Clay horn
Dagger & Sheath
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("Free Field" Bichrome pottery)
Introduction to
Prehistoric Terracottas
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Last updated: 22-sep-2004
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